Workplace Psychological Assessments
We act as satellite partners, providing thought leadership and practice, across:
Bespoke Assessment & Development Centres
We look at your business strategy and key operations, identifying key stakeholders to ensure the assessment solution complies with the values, responsibilities and duties of your business.
Our bespoke assessment and development centres are less distant and esoteric, and increases participants’ confidence in themselves and the assessment process. How?
- A level playing field for participants, creating equal opportunity for all.
- Subject matter reflects current events and issues, to engage managers.
- Simulation of real management challenges against a neutral backdrop.
If you do not require a bespoke solution, we can audit and update any existing solutions.
We can also provide assessor training in relation to observing, recording, classifying and evaluating behaviour.
Behavioural Skill Gap Analysis
We can provide a behavioural skills gap analysis in an organisation, department or role.
- Analysis helps companies to prioritise their training resources.
- Analysis gives a basis for making resourcing decisions based on evidence.
- Identify what gaps exist and in which parts of the organisation.
- Identify why organisational performance gaps exist.
WIN HEARTS AND MINDS – Assessing employees’ capabilities can create fear and suspicion, and can be a challenge. We provide key positive messaging around how to best position the skills gap.
UTILISE THE RESULTS – Our approach can be used to plan recruitment and up-skilling, support organisational restructures, build effective teams and manage business change.
Leadership Capability Assessment
An intelligent, personalised, cost effective approach to leadership capability assessment.
We invoke full potential to create better alignment between individual goals and business strategy.
- We use a wide base of psychometric solutions to assess leadership capability, depending on client requirement.
- We map an individual’s preferred style and the organisation’s need in terms of style. This enables us to identify where gaps might exist and what we need to do to close those gaps.
- Our legacy approach ensures that leaders develop effectively against the backdrop of rapidly changing business environments.